Sunday, November 9, 2008

Baby Number Two

I have recently found out after having a mth on the south beach diet and losing 15pds that we are expecting our second child. I am very excited about this - and hope that we are prepared for another one. A lot has to be done to the house and several new things have to be purchased but above all - we are going to be fine and just have to take it one day at a time. I think that some people are shocked because Connor is only 1 1/2 years old but he will be 2 1/2 when the baby is born and that is an okay amount of time inbetween children. They will be able to grow up together and enjoy life and that is how i am looking at all this. I will be very content because then my family will be complete and i will be able to then fully concentrate on raising my children the proper way and enjoying our life together. I have been extremely nautious everyday and gotten sick several times already. This is the part of pregnancy I havent missed. I am starting to get tired mid-day and just go down hill from there. I am also starting to look @ Connor a little differently because he will now be a big brother. It is a special feeling and a scary one all at the same time because you know you are giving them a sibling but at the same time, you are worried about how the first child will react. Will they feel neglected or replaced, will they go back thru the stages of trying to be a baby again for attention. All of those things are heavy on my mind right now -as i am mentally preparing for a new baby and what that will mean for our routine and family life now. Should be interesting.