Sunday, September 28, 2008

South beach diet here I come!!!

I lost around 15 pds when I was on South Beach. I was very proud of myself at that time because it was right before I had little Connor. I was only on it for a mth and lost that much. It is limiting all pop, sugar, carbs in general and fruits at first. Mainly it is protein, vegetables, and a lot of patience. The first phase is only suppose to last 2 weeks but I pushed it to the entire mth. I was going to stay on it after getting pregnant but all the vegetables made me a little sick. I have no choice, because strickly exercise and eating 5 small meals for me is just not cutting it for some reason - like it would for most people. After I had Connor, I immediately had to have my gall bladder removed. I have always wondered since South beach makes your liver work harder maybe it was too much for my gall bladder and thats why I had such complications. Now with it gone, I hope to not have any other issues. I will have to get a South Beach diet cook book so that the food doesnt start to bore me. Wish me Luck. The best part is there is a gal here at work who is willing to limit her carbs to so we can keep each other accountable. let you know how it goes in a few days

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Not Following thru

I have been so busy with this and that -and havent had any time to exercise or eat properly at all. and isnt that the point, that you get so busy and just forget to pencil in time for you and you alone. You know it is important and yet you still find ways of getting out of it because other thing come up. It's sad but i am still the same weight which fluctuates up and down over the same number about 5 pds - either up 5 or down 5 and sometimes right on that number. HAH - you thought i was goign to reveal all my secrets. I know to be healthier and stronger at my age I could be carrying around (one less person) which is the current weight I want to drop in order to reach my goal, so why then do i procrastinate. It use to be because I hated exercise all together, aching muscles, perspiring, embarasement around other people etc.... but now that I exercise in the evenings alot of that is eliminated. I wish at times I had a health consious, healthy eating/excercising mate that would help me along with this. It seems at times an endless battle to go to the store and buy whole wheat bread, salads, fruits, more vegetables but then in the same motion reach for the doritos, cookies, cakes etc... for my husband. I want to be better and I want to be better now. Anyone reading this, please just encourage me to stay on track. Thanks everyone