Sunday, September 28, 2008

South beach diet here I come!!!

I lost around 15 pds when I was on South Beach. I was very proud of myself at that time because it was right before I had little Connor. I was only on it for a mth and lost that much. It is limiting all pop, sugar, carbs in general and fruits at first. Mainly it is protein, vegetables, and a lot of patience. The first phase is only suppose to last 2 weeks but I pushed it to the entire mth. I was going to stay on it after getting pregnant but all the vegetables made me a little sick. I have no choice, because strickly exercise and eating 5 small meals for me is just not cutting it for some reason - like it would for most people. After I had Connor, I immediately had to have my gall bladder removed. I have always wondered since South beach makes your liver work harder maybe it was too much for my gall bladder and thats why I had such complications. Now with it gone, I hope to not have any other issues. I will have to get a South Beach diet cook book so that the food doesnt start to bore me. Wish me Luck. The best part is there is a gal here at work who is willing to limit her carbs to so we can keep each other accountable. let you know how it goes in a few days

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