Saturday, October 25, 2008

3 weeks with South Beach

I am now three weeks into the diet and I cant stand the site of meat or cheese. I have had so many salads that if I never saw lettuce again - i would be absolutely fine with it. I am down 12 pds. Which is amazing for someone with thyroid problems and polycistic ovaries. I only have one week to go and I have already cheated for one full day - not over eating but having a cookie and a piece of bread with lunch. I feel that if you deprive yourself of too much then you will go absolutely crazy. I am so excited though to being switching to phase two in 5 days. I never made it to that stage last time due to finding out I was pregnant with Connor after the first phase. I really need to purchase the supercharged book and info. because I feel there maybe updated information about each phase. My husband is very supportive and tries to help me out with meals. Its hard when you are buying your family regular food and you are dieting to stay on track and disciplined. I will make it through - just gotta keep on going and remembering to eat breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner so that my body keeps burning the food for me. keep you updated

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