Sunday, August 24, 2008

Back on track

I started walking again last night - I walked 5300 steps based on my pedometer. That equals 2 miles or (4000 steps) and an aditional 1300 steps. My goal is to walk 12 miles a week because I read on a medical website that when you have deep belly fat you need to atleast attempt to walk 12 miles a week. I have not seen any results off of the scale but I hope to see something happening soon. I feel amazing and the extra endorfin's make me feel like I could conquer the world. I am really watching what i eat - the only time I've ever lost on a food diet is when I went on South Beach diet and was only consuming meat and cheese - I lost 15 pds that way right before I got pregnant with Connor. I am going to postpone the weight lifting and other training until I make it to 21 days of walking straight - simply because it takes 21 days to form a new habit or to get rid of habits. Then I will add some strenght and functional training to my routine. I would love to purchase a bike and ride to work on Sat. and Sundays - my work is only about 10 miles or less from my house. I would of course have to commit to getting up earlier but I think it is worth it. My problem is that I cant seem to find a bike that suits my stature as it is now. My weight has been a problem for a while now when it comes to finding the appropriate seat to sit in, riding at amusement parks etc...I am determined to lose this weight - i dont care if I have to struggle the whole way - it is worth it to be with little Connor and my family.

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