Monday, August 25, 2008

eating better and feeling good

I feel so good after I have exercised and actually eaten the way I am supposed too. I have been eating about 1300-1400 calories a day and then burning a few away at the end of the day. I have to continue the exercising and not quit after 2 weeks simply because I dont see the results I want or because I slink back to my old ways. Steven and I both have to start watching everything- when it comes to our health. I dont feel as if i have anything to loose other than weight and a fat complex. if exercising makes me feel good, look good and improve all my health issues -then i need to keep this going. The world is usually settling down or falling asleep by the time I get out to walk -so it almost makes me feel as if it is my little secret and that it is just for me. Time set aside for me to relieve stress, think, and just breathe the fresh air. I would like to get some weights for my hands and feet to add weights to my walking. Hopefully I can keep finding time to keep going with the exercise and the energy to keep eating well.

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