Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Working on the Weight loss

This week I have cut back on my calories completely. Trying my best to only consume 1300 calories a day. I have been exercising for 4 full days now, by walking around the neighborhood - 2 miles a night which burns about 200 cal. a day alone. I have stopped drinking all sugary drinks, luckily without any major headaches or withdraws - on average I would drink4 Pepsi's a day = 600 cal just in what I was drinking. I have introduced strength training and functional training to my routine tonight and feel like I cant move. However, I can successfully report that I am down 7 pds since I started simply by cutting the pop out of my life--boo hoo and walking.
After 4 days I will have successfully walked 8 miles or 9300 steps towards my 10,000 steps a day goal! By December, I would like to be down 50 pds. I have carried this weight too long- almost 10 years now. My goal is to eventually weight somewhere between 135-150. I walk at night after the world has gone to bed, including my toddler who goes down about 9:30pm each night. It is nice at that time of day. No traffic distractions, people out staring at your flabby butt, and first and foremost- no sun, completely nice and brezzy outside. It is an amazing part of the day when I can reflect on my life, parenting skills, wife-skils, work, and the most important pray and talk to God. When I find that I am struggling to reach the top of the hill, I simply say to my self these few thoughts, "Jesus sacrificed himself on the cross, so that we could live and be happy"-so " I can sacrifice and hurt and struggle so that I will I will be around for my family and be happy." I also cheer myself on by saying motivating things like " You are doing awesome baby just a few more steps til you are up the hill." I enjoyed looking at the full moon all week long - sort of a reward as I would round the curve to my house to start another lap around. I can do this - I cant give up - for me and my families sake

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