Thursday, August 21, 2008

Took a break

I didnt workout today at all other than going to the grocery store and fighting with Connor allday about sitting in the buggy the right way. I guess you could call that work. Today we celebrated Malcolm's 49th birthday adn he seemed pleased that we coult all get together. We ate dinner and had light conversation and watched Connor act a fool all night - crying and throwing a fit because he wanted down from the high-chair we had him in. With the teething, small tantrums, and tearing into everything he sees- you can only imagine that my child hear's and answers to his new nickname "NO"--Poor kid. And we aren't even into his terrible two's yet - I cant imagine. Today while out doing my daily payday thursday grocery shopping and bill paying, I bought Connor some new sippy cups to start using in place of his bottles. Because I bought these cups today, I felt it was time to put away the bottles. I was so depressed packing up all the bottles, bottle warmer, extra nipples, and formula dispensers. Something about putting them up -brought on a sinking feeling of my baby isnt a true baby anymore. Granted he still has his "Binky" which we are using to get him thru the rest of his teething-in which two bottom front teeth are working their way thru the gums as we speak. The dentist informed my yesterday that we should be taking the bottles and pacifiers away at 17mths because their teeth are being shaped right now and those two things can do more damage on little teeth than we know. He is 17 mths Today and slowly but surely all of the baby's things are starting to have to be put up and I am suddenly sad. I know he has to grow up but he has been the most wonderful baby, we could have and I hate to see this time pass- the time is gone and I wish I could go back. Luckily I have documented a lot of his milestones in his scrapbook and documented funny doing's and saying's in another notebook- so we can reflect on this time and those special moments. I've got great black mail material for later. Signing off now but my mood is definitely Reminisant and sad

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