Saturday, August 23, 2008

I've been bad

I took thursday and friday night off from exercising and ate reasonably but ate what i wanted to. I have started taking fish oil for the Omega-3's everyone is raving about right now for a healthy heart. Many of you might not realize that I have a heart murmur that I've never really had much trouble with but now that I am over weight -i need to be more cautious about.
One new funny on Connor: I was changing him thursday night to put on his night-night clothes and fresh diaper - he is into this new thing where he like to stand up on the changing table right at the very moment i get the diaper off and smile at me -like he has accomplished something. I usually just lay him back down and stuggle to get the diaper on him while he kicks like he's just learned to swim or something.
We'll on thursday night -got the diaper off of him - he stood straight up on that table and smiled at me - I helped him balance while trying to open the diaper to get it set up and felt a warm sensation on my stomack - i looked down and Connor was peeing on me and just smiling away as if he had just struck gold. I tell ya -sometimes this mommy thing is comical - and all you can do is just say oh well and smile back at them. i love being a mommy

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